
Hello, and welcome to my website!

If you are a new reader, I hope you like what you find. Please be forewarned, there are some sexually explicit scenes in my stories ‒ including homoeroticism (slash), young lovers, incest, and dubious consent themes ‒ so if those are not your cup of tea, please leave now.
WARNING: You MUST be at least 18 years old to read some of my material.
Mature content will be indicated at the top of the story.

If you are a returning reader, thank you for joining me here! I hope my stories will continue to live up to your expectations. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Below is an index of my categories. Each page will show the introductory notes from the listed stories.

Fan Fiction

Narnia Fanfics (only one at this time)

Harry Potter Fanfics

Person of Interest Fanfics ‒ Long & Short

NCIS & NCIS:LA Fanfics

Marvel Movie Universe (mainly Thorki & HawkFrost)

Original Fiction

Short Stories *

Novels **

Japanese Fables

Patented TheaRants®

* My original MM short story, “In My Own Skin,” is now available from Dreamspinner Press and Amazon.com in the “Dr. Feelgood Anthology”!

** “A Tale of Two Trucks” is available as an e-book from Dreamspinner Press and Amazon.com.

You can also find me on Facebook, FanFiction.net, AO3, and Tumblr.

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  1. Nice start! I’m liking it – especially the Thea rants! XD

  2. Ponty

     /  2012/06/14

    Followed you over from fanfiction.net, looking forward to checking out all your stuff here!

  3. I came over from Fanfiction.net as well and I’m delighted at the range of your fiction!

  4. Mamahub

     /  2012/06/22

    So excited about the November publication date for your book! Can’t wait! It and the POI BlueRay discs are both on my list for Santa!

    • I’m afraid I shall have to be bad and get the PoI DVD set for myself. When they pre-empted PoI for some stupid sports game, my DVR recorded the game instead of my boys! 😦 And you know I just can’t live without them!!
      Thanks so much! The editor hasn’t gotten back to me yet, so they probably have a long queue…

  5. Ellara

     /  2012/06/22

    Oh oh oh! I’m sososo happy! I seemed to have fallen off the face of the Earth there for a while, oopsie ^^; But I come back to this wonderfulness! 😀

    I’m so excited about Tale of Two Trucks! 😀 😀 Would you ever consider getting Quartetto published, too? Because I can’t stop rereading it. I really can’t >> *Avid fiction stalker*

    • You’re baaack!!! 😀
      Thanks so much! And yes, Quartetto is next on my list. What were your favorite scenes, and what parts would you change? I have to hack it down to size… Please e-mail me with your suggestions!! 🙂

  6. Lilia

     /  2012/07/02

    Hi 😉 I like your fics but the links ” Getting Closer ” doesn’t work (” page no found ” ). Have a nice day.

    • Uh-oh… Let me look into it! Thanks for letting me know!

    • Try it now — I re-linked all the chapter titles in the index page. Don’t know what went wrong, there… they were working fine before, and I don’t think I did anything to that page…
      Thanks for letting me know!! ^_^;

  7. kumarebe

     /  2012/09/23

    Hi! I came here from your fanfiction.net’s fanfics.I’m just starting to watch “Person of interest”that’s amazing!! I love this TVshow of course these characters too.And I’m looking for Reese/Finch fanfic.And I’m looking forward to reading your POI fics. I’m sorry my English is poor(>_<).

  8. Katharine

     /  2012/11/05

    I super excited because I just pre-ordered ‘A Tale of Two Trucks’!! I can’t wait for the 14th when I can download my new e-book!!

  9. Kakao

     /  2012/11/29

    Hello! I just finished your book:”A tale of two trucks” that I brought from amazon. Have to tell you that I love it! They are so cute together! Thank for lovely story like this one. Ps. Sorry for my broken English ….. I’m so bad at grammar thing.
    Your Thai-fan

  10. Dhanyasri

     /  2013/01/03

    I must live under a rock because I only now discovered you have a site. O_O I look forward to any and all future updates/stories!

  11. viola

     /  2013/09/15

    When will the next chapter to my fair brother be up?

  12. Hi, I was just wondering if you were planning on finishing My Fair Brother?

    • Oops. Just saw other comments that answered that for me. My bad.

      • No problem! I know it’s a long time between chapters….

      • Hey they’re worth the wait. I just get a bit worried since so many other authors lose interest and stop updating and I’d hate for that to happen with this story.

  13. Genevieve

     /  2014/04/17

    Hello Thea this is Genevieve ( Blueyes57) from FP, I’m writing to ask a question about the ending of Quartetto you sent me via email. I just want to make sure that what I have really is the ending. Here is the last of what I have: “Emma was proudly entered into the costume competition by her Tăti, and although she got stage fright and didn’t walk down the aisle like she was supposed to (Johann had to pick her up and carry her), she came in third place, and perked up and waved to her cousins after she’d gotten her ribbon and a bag of candy. Ben placed second in the gunny-sack race, and Bridget won first prize in the egg race (carrying a raw egg on a plastic spoon without dropping it), so all in all it was a good night for the Douglas clan.
    We got home tired but happy, with Emma fast asleep in the car seat. She didn’t even stir as I got her ready for bed. Then when I stepped into the master bedroom, I saw that Johann had dressed up for Halloween, too.
    “Do you like it?” he asked with a coy smile, while I gaped at the red lacy lingerie he was wearing.
    “Do I?” I echoed, and had him pinned down on our bed with kisses before you could say “Happy Halloween.”
    That is the ending I have in the document you sent me and I’m just double checking that is the ending. If it’s not would be kind enough to send the whole document to me? Mt email addie should still be in the PM we sent to each other over at FP. I’d appreciate it if you’d send it. I’ve done read twice now and I enjoy the story. Thanks again.

    • Hi, Gen! Sorry I didn’t get around to responding right away.
      Yes, that is actually all I have written of that story. There are still a few more chapters in my head but I haven’t written them down yet because now I want to re-write the whole thing. I really do need to “finish my stuff,” I know… :p
      Thanks so much for reading! I’m so glad you like it. If you have any ideas about what the guys should do next, or how the story should end (because it’s not an ending, just a point where we wrap up telling their story — I envision them living happily ever after, of course!), I am open for suggestions! 🙂

  14. Indus

     /  2015/01/09

    I read your story about psoriasis and it made me cry- is there really hope? I want to wear cute clothes again

    • YES, there is hope! There are a number of new drugs are being developed right now! Humira is the one I see advertised most often on TV specifically for psoriasis, but Enbrel has also been proven to help with psoriasis. If you have psoriasis caused by a hyperactive immune system, these biologic drugs can help — the downside is, they are all injections. Also, they can make you susceptible to other diseases because they’re basically holding back your immune system, so you have to take precautions (like getting NON-live culture flu vaccines and regularly getting vaccinated for pneumonia). If you don’t already have a dermatologist or rheumatologist, ask your family doctor to find one who participates in clinical trials. I’m currently on a protocol from Amgen Wyeth (FDA testing stage — no name yet) that cleared up ALL of my psoriasis in 3 DAYS!!! I can’t wait for it to hit the market and help fellow psoriasis sufferers!!! Everybody responds differently to medications, of course, but thanks to the Human Genome Project there are now options you can explore. Good luck and please keep me posted!

  15. George

     /  2015/08/20

    I really want to know if you are going to write more Callen/Sam stories in the future.

    • That’s a really good question… since CBS switched the broadcast day & time, I wasn’t able to keep watching the show, so I haven’t been as inspired to. Plus finding out that Sam has a wife put a kibash on a lot of possible story plotbunnies… 😦 At this point I can’t say that I have any new stories planned, sorry.

  16. Mel

     /  2016/06/06

    Do you plan to publish Quartetto or post it online again? I absolutely loved it and really would like to re-read again. It would be great to buy a copy if you are publishing. Please let me know where or when it will be available.
    I’m from where Brian & Johann set up home in Illinois so I knew all the areas mentioned in the story. I got a kick out of them going to shop at my hometown mall and traveling to Iowa to get married.

    • Oh my goodness, really?! I Googled a lot of places for this story to get the background right, but that’s so cool that you actually lived there!! 😀

      I still hope to someday re-write it and publish it, but my life turned topsy-turvy a few years back (my mom was diagnosed with cancer — she’s okay now but I’m her primary caregiver) and I haven’t been able to get back to it. My writing muse seems to have fled for whatever reasons, too, but when I get a note like yours I really am encouraged to get back to writing!

      If you’d like I can send you an unedited PDF (or mobi) copy to read. It’s in pretty rough shape, now that I’ve learned a few things about editing, but if you don’t mind the comma catastrophes I would be happy to email it to you. theanishimori at gmail.

      Thanks so much for commenting! You just made my day!! 😀

  17. It’s Reiz16 from archiveofourown.org! I’m following you on here, now.

  18. Here’s my public email. barrycopperbottom@gmail.com. I’ll give you my personal one once you send me a message.

  19. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

  20. Shy

     /  2019/08/17

    Hi, I just saw that you took Quartetto off of fictionpress and I was wondering if you could send me a PDF copy. I know its been years since you wrote it but I’ve been thinking about the story a lot lately and would love to read it again.

    • Oh, absolutely! You aren’t the only one who’s asked to re-read it, and although the story stops abruptly, it’s at a pretty good point in their story. 🙂
      Just email me at Thea Nishimori at Gmail dot com. It’s so encouraging to know people still think about Brian and Johann!

  21. Lily Pope

     /  2023/01/06

    Wish you would start writing again. I could read your stories over and over again.


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